Receive you for your strengths
Receive you for your talents and gifts
Receive you for your joy and ease
Receive you for your weaknesses
Receive you for all the thoughts
Feelings and emotions
That you feel uncomfortable with
Receive you when you get angry
Receive you when you feel sad
Receive you when you feel pain
Receive you when you cry
Receive you when you have fears
Receive you for the courage
To speak your truth
To ask for what you want
To put your first
Regardless of fears
Without making you wrong
Without judging you
For anything
You have done nothing wrong
You have done good enough
You have always done
More than good enough
From wherever you are
Whether you believe it or not
You are good enough
Your existence is enough
Your being is enough
Your presence is enough
You don’t have to do
In order to be good enough
You don’t have to suppress
However you feel
Whatever you want
And give yourself up
For anybody or anything else
In order to earn for your enoughness
That is accepting you for your strengths
That is loving you for your weaknesses
That is being there for you
The good and the bad
That is never ever abandoning you
That is getting your own back
That is watching out for you
That is trusting you
That is listening to you
That is taking care of you
That is you being
The powerful leader
Of your own life
Noone else can be
That powerhouse for you
Would be willing to acknowledge
How powerful you are?
The right people for you
Whom you desire
Will show up in your life
In alignment with you
And your highest purpose
Anything other than that
Can not and will not
Exist in your world
Because you won’t tolerate
Anything or anyone that
Is not a contribution
To your expansion and lightness
To your joy and happiness
To your peace and ease
You honor you
You put you first
You choose you first
You be there for you first
You are in charge
You lead the way
You light the day
You lead your life
Nobody knows what is true for you
Even if that includes authority figures
Nobody is greater than you
You are your own authority figure
Nobody else
That is your power
Choose to trust you
No matter what
You are on your way
Of reclaiming your unstoppeable
Power and potency
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
